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Erin Sinisgalli’s exceptional work in the field of community health has gained recognition as she is honored with the Empire Whole Health Heroes award. As a leader at St. Peter’s Health Partners, Erin’s focus on tobacco cessation and pediatric obesity prevention has made a significant impact. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Erin and her team have been quick to adapt and ensure that their award-winning smoking cessation support program continues to reach those in need. By transitioning to a virtual format and collaborating with local health plans and community-based organizations, they have successfully provided free support to individuals who wish to quit smoking. Erin Sinisgalli’s dedication and innovative approach to community health make her a deserving recipient of this prestigious award.

Erin Sinisgalli’s leadership role at St. Peter’s Health Partners is focused on a team dedicated to tobacco cessation and pediatric obesity prevention. Despite their years of experience, this group constantly adapts to evolving changes. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, we transitioned our award-winning smoking cessation support program to a virtual format and gathered support from local health plans and community-based organizations to offer it for free to anyone who wished to quit smoking,”…
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You might be interested in exploring more about tobacco cessation programs and their impact on public health. Speaking of tobacco cessation, you might be interested in the Wikipedia article on tobacco cessation. It provides valuable information about different strategies and methods used to help individuals quit smoking and improve their overall health. Additionally, if you are interested in learning more about pediatric obesity prevention, you can check out the Wikipedia article on pediatric obesity. This article offers insights into the causes, consequences, and preventive measures for addressing childhood obesity.

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