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As a seasoned content strategist with a deep understanding of SEMrush’s research on top-performing articles, I am excited to discuss the top 10 reasons why seniors should invest in burial insurance. Following the best practices and insights derived from SEMrush’s findings, I will guide the content creation process to ensure the article aligns with the strategies that drive success.

1. Prioritizing Longreads: SEMrush’s research has shown that longreads, articles with a word count of 7,000 or more, drive almost 4 times more traffic than average-length articles. By focusing on creating a comprehensive and in-depth article on burial insurance for seniors, we can attract a larger audience and provide valuable information that resonates with readers.

2. Crafting the Headline: For maximum impact, we will opt for a 10 to 13-word headline that emphasizes the listicle format. By highlighting the top 10 reasons why seniors should invest in burial insurance, we not only capture the reader’s attention but also set clear expectations for what they will learn from the article.

3. Implementing a Complex Structure: To enhance readability and SEO performance, we will use H2, H3, and H4 tags to organize the content effectively. By incorporating subheadings, we can break down the information into digestible sections that make it easier for readers to navigate the article. Additionally, we will include at least one list for every 500 words of plain text to engage the audience and enhance the overall user experience.

4. Visual Elements: To enhance engagement and visual appeal, we will include at least one image related to burial insurance for seniors. If possible, we will also integrate videos that provide additional insights or testimonials to further enrich the content and captivate the audience.

By following these best practices and insights from SEMrush’s research on top-performing articles, we can create a compelling and informative piece that resonates with our target audience. The top 10 reasons why seniors should invest in burial insurance will provide valuable information that empowers readers to make informed decisions about their financial future and peace of mind.

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